Student Work: Monica's Gusto

She was in the 212
by Monica Ayala-Talavera

Self-described minimalist Kayla Alewel has a flare for finding unique pieces in hidden vintage shops around the world – but she keeps her fashion secrets just that.

When I found her, she was sipping on her morning mocha at the J-Café before her magazine journalism class. In the photographs above Alewel is wearing a Leith black sweater and Trouvé boots, both purchased at Nordstrom, and black pants from Urban Outfitters – but what set her apart from the mass of tired coffee-sippers was her vibrant head piece.

Read the full post on Monica's gusto

Monica is a senior in the University of Missouri's convergence journalism program.

Andrew Whalen, Co-Founder of Delve News Live Blog

5:06 Delve News is a news aggregation site that helps connect stories and people through a forum feature.

5:09 Andrew was based in Peru with AP, but wanted to branch out to Digital first; Find that intersection between news and tech.

5:16 The ability to assess an industry and find the needs, while also telling a compelling story is fundamental in start-ups.

5:19 It takes 'humility' to combine technology-driven people with content-driven team. And to always communicate, even over-communicate.

5:22 On starting Delve News: "It is a long, grueling journey to raising money."

5:25 Competing in the Bay Area with so many other start-ups: "You always have to have your head on a swivel."

EVENT ALERT: News + Startups

Andy Whalen co-founder of personalized news aggregator Delve News joins us via Skype to talk about the changing ways consumers filter, find and share news. Come hear about Whalen’s experience working for a news startup and how journalists use their entrepreneurial skills.

WHEN: Thursday, March 14 at 5 p.m.
WHERE: Microsoft App Development Lab (42 Walter Williams)

Call for IRS to revaluate non-profit news organization designation

Credit: Nieman Journalism Lab
By Erin Dismeier

At the beginning of this week, the Council on Foundations released a report urging the IRS to rethink their process on giving news organizations tax-exempt status.
Currently, for a news organization to be considered nonprofit, it  has to distribute content differently than a traditional media outlet.  The report states the way news and media have evolved now make it difficult for a nonprofit news organization to distinguish itself from traditional media outlets.